im not very good with mood boards, in fact, i find it quite annoying to try and search up photos that aesthetically relate with one another when all i want to do is not care about colours and just paste things that are the closest to what can visually represent how i feel right now.
i've never really had much experience with making mood boards, i've only done them like twice. In both attempts i noticed that i didnt really have much to think about when it comes to whether or not the photos come together visually pleasing because they usually do. Im not sure why i find this super surprising or why I think it's a good idea to make my first blog post be about this but then again, what else can a 16 year old who's not attending school do during midnight.
so here it is, what im feeling right now described in photos from my tumblr dashboard.
12:19 AM, 21.03.17 : my mood
source:lanpandanochao |
souce:lunasea |
source:peachnim |
source:ricemasks |
source: synqra |
Wow. All the suggestions and you stick to boopityboo
ReplyDeleteIkr she tried selling me drugs over skype,, like come on delusional milk, youre delusional
ReplyDeleteadfjsjkf this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen
ReplyDeleteIt's the 23rd.... I'm waiting